Aug 1 1943
Born in Yunnan, China
Daniel begins life as a missionary baby in a small Lisu village.
March 1950
Escape to Burma
Daniel hikes with his mother over the mountains during the communist revolution.
June 1952
Aldrich Family
Daniel begins two and a half years in a foster family as their 10th child.

Wheaton Mission Home
Daniel makes friends in what would soon be his home.
March 1957
Death of Isobel Kuhn
Daniel’s mother succumbs to breast cancer at age 55.
Wheaton College
Daniel earns his BA in English literature.
US Army Active Duty
Daniel graduates with High Honor and a 2nd Lieutenant’s Commission in the U.S. Army.
Mar 22 1966
Death of John Becker Kuhn
Daniel’s father dies at age 60.
Daniel is shipped to Vietnam with the 9th Infantry Division as a personnel Officer.
Apr 24 1968
Marriage to Mary Blocksma
Daniel and Mary are married in Hawaii while Daniel is on leave from Vietnam.
Jul 1972
Birth of Dylan Kuhn
Daniel and Mary have a son in Laramie, Wyoming.
Daniel and Mary separate.
Retirement from USPS
Daniel retires after 33 years with the postal service.
Marriage to Sarah Troster
Daniel moves to Sarah’s house in Indian Hills, Colorado.
July 2007

Maroon Bells Backpacking
A memorable trip with Dylan.
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Parkinson’s Diagnosis
Daniel is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
Prostate Cancer
Daniel overcomes prostate cancer with radiation and hormone treatments.
Jun 2022
Move to Reno, Nevada
Daniel moves to Park Place Assisted Living near his son.
Aug 1 2022

79th birthday
Daniel is in good spirits for his final birthday celebration with a few family members.
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Nov 6 2022
Daniel dies peacefully in his room in Reno.
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